Julia's Bat Mitzvah Info Page - Attire

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Friday night services are less "formal" than Saturday. Business casual is fine. No ripped jeans or shorts.

Saturday services for a Bat Mitzvah are usually nice slacks and jacket, suit, skirt, dress, depending on your preference. All men are required to wear Kippahs and all women have the option of wearing a Kippah. Since we are egalitarian, anyone who will be up on the Bimah for an honor is required to wear a Kippah and a Tallit. (we will provide Kippahs and Tallit's are available if you do not have one.) Shoulders should be covered. Although our synagogue is air conditioned, the sanctuary temperature is hit or miss. Sometimes it gets hotter than most would like and other times it is on the cooler side.

Julia wants everyone to "dress to impress" on Saturday night. No jeans and jerseys like at Randy's Bar Mitzvah. Party dresses, slacks & jackets or suits. 1/2 degree below black tie optional.

Make sure you pack comfortable shoes and casual wear for any "free time" that you have to explore the Wilmington area.

This website is a growing project. So please be patient and check back often!

If you have any questions that haven't been answered, please contact us!

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